Six years ago when the first Data Governance Conference was held there was much discussion about what data governance is and why governance is a necessity for every organization.
Over the past few years many organizations have implemented or are beginning implementations of data governance programs. The focus has changed from defining data governance to learning how to ensure success of your program and provide measurable value to the business. One of the factors in ensuring success is learning from other practitioners that have successful data governance organizations and sharing experiences and lessons learned.
2012 offers many opportunities to learn and share experiences in data governance:
Call for Presentations Deadline January 27, 2012
The Annual Data Governance and Information Quality Conference (DGIQ)
The How-To Conference on Data Governance and Information Quality
June 25-28, 2012
San Diego, CA
In developing the program for the 2012 Data Governance and Information Quality Conference our objective is to provide as many real life experiences from practitioners from diverse industries that have implemented data governance and information quality programs.
We are interested in proposals that focus on case studies, lessons learned, success stories, and the “how-tos” related to information quality, data governance and stewardship.
We encourage novice presenters as well as professional presenters to submit proposals for this event. We are interested in abstracts focusing on all areas of data governance and data quality from starting a program to how to ensure continued success.
Additional information regarding the conference and submitting an abstract can be found at:
The 2012 Data Governance Best Practice Award
Deadline February 29, 2012
The Data Governance Best Practice Award
Sponsored by Dataversity, DebTech International and
Recognizes business value and technical excellence organizations have achieved in the design and implementation of an outstanding data governance program.
Submissions will be judged on their response to the following:
– Business requirements for Data Governance at your organization.
– Approach used to define, develop and deliver your Data Governance Program.
– Length of time the solution has been in place and the incremental steps taken.
– Scale of the solution (i.e. enterprise, business unit) and whether this will change.
– Overall business impact/benefits from Data Governance and return on objective.
– Measurable return on investment for your Program and how the measures are used.
– Population and breadth of business / technical community being served by the Program.
– Innovative uses of the Governance Program and the problems that have been solved.
The winner will be invited to present a case study of their data governance program and will receive 3 nights hotel stay at the conference hotel and economy airfare up to $1,000 USD from their hometown to San Diego.
Complete details and nomination requirements are set forth in the “Call for Submissions” at
To view the winning entry from the 2011 Data Governance Best Practice Award click here
Real World Data Governance
New Data Governance Webinar Series
Third Thursday of Every Month – 2pm EST
Brought to you by Robert S. Seiner and Consulting & DATAVERSITY
January 19 – Artifacts to Enable Data Governance
Successful Data Governance Programs often result in the delivery of “artifacts”, internally delivered by-products from program implementation, that become the focus and face of the program. Bob Seiner has been delivering successful programs to his clients for many years and along the way he has collected and built a series of artifacts that play this exact role.
Join Bob Seiner and DATAVERSITY as they kick off their new monthly webinar series titled “Real World Data Governance” with a valuable hour introducing and demonstrating value of several artifacts, developed internally, that will add significant value to your Data Governance Program.
The artifacts that will be discussed focus on common data, governance activities, communications and process accountability and samples of these artifacts will be described in detail. This could be the most valuable hour of data governance content ever. Join us for “Real World Data Governance”.
The Real World Data Governance Webinar Series continues in 2012 with:
February 16 – The Role of Meta-Data in Data Governance
March 15 – Non-Invasive Data Governance – The Practical Approach
Data Governance and MDM Tracks at Enterprise Data World (EDW)
The April Event for Data Governance and MDM Professionals
April 29-May 3, 2012
Atlanta, GA.
Enterprise Data World includes over 200 hours of cutting-edge content in a vendor-neutral environment, with specialized tracks that allow you to focus on the data management topics most pertinent to your needs. Of special interest are the dedicated tracks on Data Governance and Data Quality and MDM.
These two tracks include tutorials by David Loshin, Master Data and MDM, David Plotkin on starting a data governance and stewardship program and Robert S. Seiner on building and utilizing tools in data governance. Plus case studies and presentations from practitioners from Banco do Brasil, Eli Lilly, Ciba Vision, Farmers Insurance, Kaiser Permanente, MetLife Bank, Prime Therapeutics, Regis Corp., Sallie Mae, Statoil, Walgreens and a Data Governance Professionals Organization meeting and panel on lessons learned in data governance.
To view the entire conference agenda please visit the EDW Conference Website.
The Data Governance Professionals Organization (DGPO)
The DGPO founded in January 2011, is a non-profit, vendor neutral, association of business, IT and data professionals dedicated to advancing the discipline of data governance. The objective of the DGPO is to provide a forum that fosters discussion and networking for members and to encourage, develop and advance the skills of members working in the data governance discipline.
DGPO offers monthly teleconferences and webinars that focus on practical experiences and sharing between members.
Benefits of membership include access to DGPO recordings of teleconferences, opportunity to participate in special interest groups, access to member’s only resources, conference and educational discounts.
Registration is open for the January DGPO Teleconferences
To register please email
Tips from the Trenches Panel
Real World Experiences in Data Governance and Stewardship
January 5, 2012
2:00PM-3:00PM ET
Michael Jennings, Director of Data Governance at Walgreens
Eileen Koski, Director of Data Governance at Medco Health Solutions
David Plotkin, Data Quality Manager at the Bank of America
Michele Koch, Director, Data Governance Office, Sallie Mae and VP of Membership, DGPO.
How to Manage Conflict: An Inevitable Part of Data Governance
An interactive DGPO Teleconference
Len Silverston
Jan 23, 2012
1-2pm ET
This 1 hour teleconference provides a framework for managing conflict and is geared towards scenarios that inevitably arise in data governance and stewardship programs. Len Silverston will share a 5 step process that he has used to successfully to navigate the above and other ‘inevitable’ data governance conflict management scenarios.
After sharing this framework, as well as data governance stories where this framework was applied, participants will be asked if they could share difficult conflicts they have encountered, and we will explore how this framework can help address the scenarios provided.
For additional information about the DGPO please visit or email
I look forward to seeing you at an upcoming Data Governance event.