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Through the Looking Glass: What Does Data Quality Mean for Unstructured Data?
I go to data conferences. Frequently. Almost always right here in NYC. We have lots of data conferences here. Over the years, I’ve seen a…
Data Is Risky Business: Structured, Unstructured (Who Cares?)
The Irish satirist Jonathan Swift wrote “Gulliver’s Travels” almost 300 years ago, but the story of Lemuel Gulliver’s journey to…
Data Speaks for Itself: Data Validation – Data Accuracy Imposter or Assistant?
In my last article, “The Shift from Syntactic to Semantic Data Curation and What It Means for Data Quality” published in the August 2024…
The Art of Lean Governance: A Systems Thinking Approach to Data Governance
A systems thinking approach to process control and optimization demands continual data quality feedback loops. Moving the quality checks…
Data Insights Ensure Quality Data and Confident Decisions
Every business (large or small) creates and depends upon data. One hundred years ago, businesses looked to leaders and experts to…
Data Errors in Financial Services: Addressing the Real Cost of Poor Data Quality
Data quality issues continue to plague financial services organizations, resulting in costly fines, operational inefficiencies, and damage…
Ethical Considerations in AI-Powered Data Archiving for IT Operations
The rapid adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in data archiving for IT operations has transformed how organizations manage vast…
Transforming Building Automation Data Into Actionable Insights
Building information systems (BAS) allow decision-makers to get real-time insights on overall traffic per floor or time of day to the…