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Data Is Risky Business: Is Data Governance Failing? Or Are We Failing Data Governance?
In January, CDO Magazine carried an article by a consortium of authors including Dr. Tom Redman, John Ladley, Dr. Anne-Marie Smith, and others.…
Through the Looking Glass: Technology Solutions in Search of a Problem
When I read about new technologies, I often think of the movie “Field of Dreams.” The protagonist builds a baseball field in the middle of…
The Art of Lean Governance: Moving Beyond Governance Buzzwords and Bling
This column will expand on a Systems Thinking approach to Data Governance and focus on process control. The vendors of myriad governance tools…
Celebrating a Year of Excellence: EDM Council’s Data Excellence Program
The EDM Council’s Data Excellence Program has reached a significant milestone: its first anniversary. The program is proving to be a…
A Data Value Manifesto
If you haven’t already heard, a number of organizations have laid off their CDOs and CDO groups and data teams because of a perceived…
What Are the Benefits of a Citizen Data Scientist Initiative?
The importance of Citizen Data Scientists has become a focus for the wise business executive and manager. Understanding Citizen Data…
What Is a Citizen Data Scientist and How Has the Role Changed?
The world-renowned technology research firm Gartner first introduced the concept of the citizen data scientist in 2016. Since then, the…
The Brave New World of Embedded BI and Analytics
Your business users probably have their favorite legacy systems, best-of-breed solutions, and business apps. When your IT and management…