Can We Reduce the Risks of Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is already in place with applications in areas such as medicine, automobile, education, communication infrastructure, and more. Whereas many individuals and businesses like venturing into AI, some are reluctant because of possible threats. 

Some of the risks are relevant today, while others represent future concerns. These could relate to racial and gender bias issues, increased job automation, security and privacy concerns, among others. Let’s narrow down the risks of AI and whether we can reduce them. 

Security Concerns

AI is characterized by massive access to data from various access points, and this makes the data vulnerable to cybercriminals. Cybercriminals employ mechanisms such as malware, botnets, phishing, and social engineering to commit cybercrimes. 

The attackers weaponize AI by designing and conducting the attack. AI can be used to mimic trusted actors, where the technology learns about the behavior of a real person and use bots to imitate their language and actions. 

Through the use of AI, the attackers can easily spot openings, including an unprotected network or a non-functional firewall. Thus, a small loophole is an opportunity for data and information or the entire system to be vandalized. The vulnerabilities can be found using AI than they would be detected through human intervention. 

Cybersecurity professionals can use AI in cybersecurity to boost best practices and reduce attacks instead of continually looking for malicious activities. Since modern business depends on IT, simplifying vulnerability management may help to deal with cyberattacks. Machine learning and AI systems can identify potential threats in commercial IT systems. 

Possible Job Losses

One of the most obvious AI concerns is job automation that leads to job losses. AI can replace some kinds of jobs to a large extent, especially in industries involving common and repetitive tasks. 

As mentioned on a leading college paper site, millions of people worldwide perform tasks that can easily be automated and so with time, some people may be replaced by machines. AI continues to be more dexterous and smart making future tasks require minimal human intervention. 

Whereas AI can create jobs, some of those jobs may become difficult to access to people who are less educated among the qualifying workforce. Even professionals who need degrees or professional training are still vulnerable to AI displacement.

As per a research paper writing service, avoiding AI over implementation may help to reduce the risks of job losses. Before attempting to solve issues with AI, managers should consider that automation is necessary for a given situation. They should establish restrictions, allowing access to AI to the requirements of specific job performance. 

Socioeconomic Crisis and Bias

Another AI concern is the increased socioeconomic inequality triggered by job losses. In addition to skills and knowledge, work plays a significant role in social mobility. However, for repetitive jobs that are susceptible to AI takeover, there can occur social disconnect among the employees.

AI is developed and implemented by human beings who are naturally biased. There is a mentality that AI should be developed by people of a certain gender, economic status, or racial demographics. AI can circulate false data and biased opinions that can harm public debates leading to endangering institutions geared towards promoting coexistence. 

According to tech experts on Best Essays, developing testing protocols for AI algorithm design could help to manage the risk of socioeconomic inequality. This procedure should be customized to individual applications and industries. The regulation of AI should be exercised with care to avoid holding back technological progress. 

Superintelligence and Overreliance 

AI is a disruptive technology and the trend is expected to continue, although the technology’s quality has advanced tremendously in different areas. Smart systems understand who people are, what they do, and what they need. 

Digital virtual assistants, autonomous intelligence, and chatbots will greatly come to people’s aid. AI and machine learning systems are time-saving, convenient, and efficient. People may get used to smart personal assistants and in the future, it may be hard for them to operate without the internet. 

AI may end up surpassing human intelligence in terms of its ability to mimic human and skills development. Human beings may be considered slow in decision making and their long-acquired skills rendered irrelevant.

Numerous people should be involved in various fields to ensure that AI meets its potential to strengthen society. This is because the future is dependent on scientists’ abilities to involve people from diverse backgrounds in making technology-based decisions. The AI developers should seek people’s opinions and insights across genders, socioeconomic groups, and ethnicities.

Minimal Data Privacy

With the advancement in technology, a lot of data is gathered and analyzed by organizations daily. For the proper functioning of a company, large volumes of data must be collected and analyzed. Besides high-quality algorithms, the AI system’s strength depends on the quality of data available. Companies are becoming greedy when it comes to data analysis, which means that data privacy is continuously being eroded. 

Overcoming the limitation of compromised data privacy requires increasing data accuracy. For AI to provide accurate data and information, algorithms should have representative and large sets of data. Underrepresenting some data sets may amount to inaccurate outcomes that may affect the quality of decisions. Data should also be protected against breaches. 


While AI is said to have multiple benefits in the world of business, it also poses significant risks, as stated above. It causes security concerns, job losses, socioeconomic biases, risk of overreliance and reduced data privacy. It is difficult to completely eliminate these risks, but experts and company representatives can collaborate to manage the risks and ensure maximum benefits from this technology.

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John Peterson

John Peterson

John Peterson is a writer and journalist with 4 years’ experience working with Nerdy Writers, a popular academic essay writer service and famous London magazine “Shop&buy.” He is a professional mini-tennis player and is the author of the high-selling novel “His heart.” You can find him on FB.

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