DAMA Corner August 2010

Welcome to DAMA Corner, a source of information for data management professionals here in TDAN, the industry leading publication for people interested in learning about data administration and data management disciplines and best practices. Each column provides an update on the professional organization DAMA International, and an opportunity to share your experience with other professionals that are passionate about data!

Your interest and participation is greatly appreciated. If you are not a current member of DAMA, please read the following section to learn about others with the same interests that you have. But if you know us, please proceed on to the Update.
About DAMADAMA International is a not-for-profit, vendor independent association of technical and business professionals dedicated to advancing the concepts and practices for data resource management and enterprise information. The primary purpose of DAMA International is to promote the understanding, development and practice of managing data and information to support business strategies. DAMA International has chapters and members throughout the world.

  • DAMA membership provides you with a network of data management professionals who share ideas and solutions to some of the most difficult issues in data management.
  • DAMA Chapters provide cost-effective and local ongoing training hours that can apply to re-certification requirements by the Institute for Computing Professionals for Certified Data Management Professional (CDMP) and Certified Business Intelligence Professional (CBIP) designations.
  • Chapter members receive vendor and training discounts provided to DAMA International by selected vendors and publishers.
  • Chapters may bulk purchase DAMA International products such as the DAMA Dictionary and the DAMA Data Management Body of Knowledge at discounted rates.

If you are interested in data management, we want to meet you and help you grow in your chosen profession! To find a local DAMA chapter, go to the main website at www.dama.org and select Chapter.

UpdateChapter News from Around the World

Map from University of Alabama

Annual DAMA International Board Elections
Current and past DAMA Board members are eligible to run for the DAMA International Board if nominated by their chapter. The positions for the term 2011-2013 are:

  • Chapters Services
  • Communications
  • Conference Services
  • Industry Services
  • Marketing
  • Operations

Details for the election process and descriptions of the board positions are available on at Elections to the Board of Directors.

DAMA Chapter Officers are encouraged to join the LinkedIn Sub-Group of the DAMA International LinkedIn Group. It is designed to promote communication and collaboration among the chapters. More than 32 chapters from around the world are represented here. Learn from each other; help each other!

DAMA Individual Achievement Awards for 2011

DAMA International is accepting nominations for DAMA Individual Achievement Awards for 2011 to be awarded at the 2011 Enterprise Data World conference, scheduled for Chicago, Illinois, April 3-7. Each of these awards recognizes a data management professional who has made significant and demonstrable contributions to the information resource management field consistent with DAMA International’s vision. This program is designed to promote awareness of the contribution individuals have made to the four specific areas of data management:

  • Academic Achievement Award
    To a member from academia for outstanding research, or theoretical or applied contributions in the areas encompassed by IRM/DRM
  • DAMA Community Award
    To a member of the DAMA community who has gone beyond the call of normal volunteer service to enhance the IRM/DRM discipline by providing exceptional benefits to the DAMA community.
  • Government Achievement Award
    To a member of the leadership populace within any governmental agency, department or other governmental entity for instituting the inclusion and adherence to DRM/IRM principles within government.
  • Professional Achievement Award
    To a leader in the data management discipline who has made significant, demonstrable contributions to the IRM/DRM field.

Each DAMA Chapter has the opportunity to nominate one or more candidates. Members who want to nominate an individual can download a nomination form from the DAMA International Website (http://www.dama.org/). Or, they can call or write the DAMA Awards Committee, 19239 N. Dale Mabry Hwy, #132, Lutz, FL 33548. Email: awards@dama.org
The awards are international, given the worldwide reach of data and information management, and the international focus of DAMA and its chapters.

The DAMA Individual Achievement Awards program has a key goal of raising the awareness of data management’s leaders in each category, recognizing their valuable contributions to the profession. As part of the program award winners will be highlighted in articles published in leading data management journals, appropriate newspapers and on the DAMA International website, ensuring that the work of DAMA International and its chapters will receive increased visibility.

Give us your feedback by selecting this link: DAMA Comments.

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DAMA International

DAMA International

DAMA, the Data Management Association International is a not-for-profit, vendor independent association of technical and business professionals dedicated to advancing the concepts and practices for data resource management and enterprise information. The primary purpose of DAMA International is to promote the understanding, development, and practice of managing data and information to support business strategies. DAMA International has chapters and members throughout the world.  Visit and become a member of DAMA by clicking here.