Announcements and News DAMA International and Local Chapter members!
Welcome to the DAMA Corner, a source of information for data management professionals here on TDAN.com, the industry leading publication for people interested in learning about data administration and data management disciplines and best practices. Each column provides an update on the professional organization DAMA International, and an opportunity to share your experience with other professionals that are passionate about data!
[This column includes notes from the outgoing DAMA President – Loretta Mahon Smith]
Your interest and participation are greatly appreciated. If you are not a current member of DAMA, please read the following section to learn about others with the same interests that you have. But if you know us, please proceed on to the Update.
About DAMA
DAMA International is a not-for-profit, vendor independent association of technical and business professionals dedicated to advancing the concepts and practices for data resource management and enterprise information. The primary purpose of DAMA International is to promote the understanding, development and practice of managing data and information to support business strategies. DAMA International has chapters and members throughout the world.
- DAMA membership provides you with a network of data management professionals who share ideas and solutions to some of the most difficult issues in data management.
- DAMA Local Chapters provide cost-effective and local on-going training hours that can apply to re-certification requirements by the Institute for Computing Professionals for Certified Data Management Professional (CDMP) and Certified Business Intelligence Professional (CBIP) designations.
- Chapter members receive vendor and training discounts provided to DAMA International by selected vendors and publishers.
- Chapters may bulk purchase DAMA International products such as the DAMA Dictionary and the DAMA Data Management Body of Knowledge at discounted rates.
If you are interested in data management, we want to meet you and help you grow in your chosen profession! To find a local DAMA chapter, go to the main website at www.dama.org and select Chapter.
2020 Reflections and 2021 Resolutions
2020 Reflection
This year, I wanted us to slightly shift focus to continuing to operationally execute on previous initiatives, but expanding our vision to include:
- Improving our external presence, accessibility, and impact (through both our website, DMBOK, and marketing initiatives),
- Delivering products and services that meet the goals
of our organization:
- DAMA International’s primary purpose is to promote the understanding, development and practice of managing data and information as key enterprise assets to support the organization.
- Completing the By-Law Revisions and a strategic plan with full transparency and collaboration from local active chapters.
DAMA International has met and exceeded these goals! This happened because of volunteers and our desire to reach out and include our members. The previous boards, this board, and a wide group of data management professionals have contributed time and effort working on these activities. I was proud to be leading this community at this time with all of you colleagues.
As I leave the office of the President, and move into my role as Past-President, I am looking back at the changes in amazement!
- Held 3 cycles of elections with the highest participation in voting in the history of DAMA.
- Instituted processes to create more transparency, posting all approved minutes and official tax documentation publicly.
- Created more standardized onboarding for new board members.
- Began updating the operating handbook to align to the new by-laws.
- Co-sponsored events, both in person and online, partnering with Dataversity to deliver the equivalent of EDW virtually.
- Implemented a NEW DAMA.org website on a new host, with an area for our DAMA International members!
- Revised all CDMP certification exams to align to DAMA DMBOK2.
- 7 all new specialist certification exams with #8 on the way.
- Created
three all-new certification specialty exams:
- Master and Reference Data Management
- Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence
- Data Integration and Interoperability
- Implemented
all exams on a new technical delivery platform, capable of providing digital badging
for certification holders at three levels:
- Associate (@ 60% pass)
- Practitioner (@70% pass)
- Master (@80% pass)
- Since activating the new suite based on DMBOK2, we now have more than 2000 exams taken yielding 1500+ Associates, 99 Practitioners, and 12 masters.
- Started migration from the old exam platform to the new system.
- Created a Registered Education Provider process, and authorized organizations to provide approved training for the CDMP.
- Documented a chapter lifecycle.
- Initiated 5 regional coordinators for the worldwide community of chapters.
- Created new chapter enablement processes and updated the start-up kit
- Established new Affiliation Agreements with active chapters.
- Activated
more chapters to serve our local community:
- DAMA Italy
- DAMA Spain
- DAMA Poland
- DAMA Iceland
- DAMA Shanghai
- DAMA Beijing
- DAMA Ecuador
- DAMA Peru
- DAMA Montreal
- DAMA Denmark
- DAMA Norway
- DAMA Iceland
- DAMA Columbia
- DAMA Germany
- DAMA Ireland (re-forming)
2021 Resolution
I will support DAMA International as a volunteer and non-voting board member to the best of my abilities and availability. I ask that you help grow our profession, look at your local and international communities and consider sharing your expertise, time, and energy.
Annual DAMA International Board Elections Results
Current and past Local DAMA Chapter Board members are eligible to run for the DAMA International Board if nominated by their chapter. DAMA International Board of Directors has ratified the 2020 results of the Board Election, under the new ByLaws dated V6.0 May 2020.
We would like to thank all of the candidates for their willingness to support the data management community with their service for 2020-2021. The results are as follows:
- President: Peter Aiken
- VP of Online Services: Jerrod Young
- VP of Member Services: Ron Klein
Other changes:
- Governance & Ethics Officer: Len Silverston
- VP of Marketing: Open, looking for volunteer from existing DAMA Boards or other volunteer boards.
- VP of Operations: (opening midterm appointment) Frank Kadwell
At the same time, we acknowledged the results of the President’s Council Election, where we now have another new board member:
- President’s Council Chairperson: Marilu Lopez
Details for the election process and descriptions of the board positions are available in the By-Laws, Codes and Policies
Board Members are listed on our website.
Important Dates – DAMA Awards Date
February 8 – Awards Nominations Window Open
March 15 – Awards Nominations Window Close
March 23 – Awards Accepted Nominee Announcement
April at Enterprise Data World – Awards Winner Announcement at EDW