Welcome to DAMA Corner, a source of information for data management professionals here on TDAN.com, the industry leading publication for people interested in learning about data administration and data management disciplines and best practices. Each column provides an update on the professional organization DAMA International, and an opportunity to share your experience with other professionals who are passionate about data!
Your interest and participation are greatly appreciated. If you are not a current member of DAMA, please read the following section to learn about others with the same interests that you have. But if you already know us, please proceed on to the Update section.
About DAMA
DAMA International is a not-for-profit, vendor independent association of technical and business professionals dedicated to advancing the concepts and practices for data resource management and enterprise information. The primary purpose of DAMA International is to promote the understanding, development and practice of managing data and information to support business strategies. DAMA International has chapters and members throughout the world.
- DAMA membership provides you with a network of data management professionals who share ideas and solutions to some of the most difficult issues in data management.
- DAMA Local Chapters provide cost-effective and local on-going training hours that can apply to re-certification requirements by the Institute for Computing Professionals for Certified Data Management Professional (CDMP) and Certified Business Intelligence Professional (CBIP) designations.
- Chapter members receive vendor and training discounts provided to DAMA International by selected vendors and publishers.
- Chapters may bulk purchase DAMA International products such as the DAMA Dictionary and the DAMA Data Management Body of Knowledge at discounted rates.
If you are interested in data management, we want to meet you and help you grow in your chosen profession! To find a local DAMA chapter, go to the main website at www.dama.org and select Chapter.
On Wednesday April 21, 2021 DAMA International announced the 2021 DAMA International Data Management Excellence Award winners:
Kathy Rondon | Leadership | As a recognized leader and advocate for data management, Ms. Kathy Rondon has consistently made positive impacts and contributions to the data industry in the public sector for the past 30 years. Having started her career working in data governance before it developed into a notable area of practice, Kathy has been instrumental in helping data governance in the public sector develop and mature. | View Full Bio |
Ronald Damhof | Leadership | Ronald Damhof is influential in the Dutch data management community. His model, the Damhof Data Quadrant, is used by the majority of Dutch organizations and the interest is growing worldwide. Through his approach, he has created data awareness in many private and public organizations and the Dutch data management community in general. | View Full Bio |
Douglas Erickson | Leadership | Mr. Erickson has 45 years of IT experience that includes extensive data analysis and modeling as well as data and database management at Motorola, Inc. and Pacific Power and Light Co. He served as Chairman of the Information Systems Merger Transition Team for the Pacific Power & Light and Utah Power & Light merger. | View Full Bio |
CFIHOS | Leadership | CFIHOS (Capital Facilities Information Handover Specification, pronounced as “see-foos”) is an industry wide initiative led by Joint Industry Program 36. The main goal of this initiative is to make information handover quicker, easier, and safer for operators, contractors, equipment manufacturers and suppliers by using standardized information specifications. The activities started in 2012 and it culminated in a recently published document that outlined the latest standards in 2020. The document included data models, data specifications and scope and data management procedures. | View Full Bio |
For additional DAMA Information, please see www.dama.org