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Date(s) - 01/27/2016
8:00 am - 3:30 pm
Enterprise Data Governance Online is a full day of online sessions with leading industry experts. They will share their lessons learned in the field, guide you in best practices, and provide in-depth education on the hottest topics in Data Governance. Throughout the day you will hear seven presentations, each are 40 minutes long with a 10-minute Q & A, followed by a 10-minute break. During breaks we encourage you to check out the exhibits or network with other attendees in the meet up room. Make sure to download the slides, and bookmark the event site so you can come back to watch the programs on demand.
It’s free when you RSVP!
Haleigh Wright
Haleigh Wright is the Assistant to the Publisher of The Data Administration Newsletter ( Haleigh graduated from The University of Pittsburgh with a degree in Scientific Computing in 2015, and she is now pursuing her PhD in Computer Science at the University of California, Santa Barbara where she is an National Science Foundation IGERT Network Science Trainee. Her research interests include computational sustainability, data analysis, data security and privacy, network science, and cryptography. After Haleigh concludes her studies, she plans to enter Industry, with particular interest in entrepreneurial ventures.
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