Robert S. Seiner

Robert (Bob) S. Seiner is the President and Principal of KIK Consulting & Educational Services and the Publisher Emeritus of The Data Administration Newsletter. Seiner is a thought-leader in the fields of data governance and metadata management. KIK (which stands for “knowledge is king”) offers consulting, mentoring and educational services focused on Non-Invasive Data Governance, data stewardship, data management and metadata management solutions. Seiner is the author of the industry’s top selling book on data governance – Non-Invasive Data Governance: The Path of Least Resistance and Greatest Success (Technics Publications 2014) and the followup book - Non-Invasive Data Governance Strikes Again: Gaining Experience and Perspective (Technics 2023), and has hosted the popular monthly webinar series on data governance called Real-World Data Governance (w Dataversity) since 2012. Seiner holds the position of Adjunct Faculty and Instructor for the Carnegie Mellon University Heinz College Chief Data Officer Executive Education program.


Living the Ungoverned Life

Organizations often assume they have data governance under control, but in reality, many are simply reacting to data chaos rather…


Data Governance Defying Gravitas

“Defying Gravity,” the show-stopping anthem from the musical “Wicked,” captures the essence of breaking free from conventions and soaring beyond…


Artificial vs. Augmented Intelligence

Terms like artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented intelligence are often used interchangeably. However, they represent fundamentally different approaches to utilizing…


The Risk and Promise of AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly reshaping our world, influencing everything from the way we work to the way we live.…