Pre-Decision Support
The industry of data warehousing has single-handedly raised the awareness of the need for corporate data management.
The industry of data warehousing has single-handedly raised the awareness of the need for corporate data management.
These ten tips (the perceptive reader will recognize eleven) will not guarantee success. Contrary to what some vendors will tell…
The following outline maps the five levels of maturity to the manner in which organizations manage data — effectively outlining…
Figure 1: Implementing a “logical” data model within a Data Warehouse. This figure illustrates how the “logical” data structure within…
A systems architecture is a tool for senior management to identify and define the companies applications portfolio.
Throughout the history of Information Resource Management, there have been questions surrounding the necessity for multiple disciplines within the IRM…
Data Steward - Person responsible for managing the data in a corporation in terms of integrated, consistent definitions, structures, calculations,…
Building a data warehouse usually involves more human and capital resources than any other information technology project an organization has…
The requirements analysis process, as described in most methodologies’ system development life cycles, typically addresses both rows 2 (the owner’s…
20 February 1997 Friends of the Database Management Industry, The Information Technology Laboratory at the U.S. National Institute for Standards…