Welcome to DAMA Corner, a source of information for data management professionals here in TDAN.com, the industry leading publication for people interested in learning about data administration and data management disciplines and best practices. Each column provides an update on the professional organization DAMA International, and an opportunity to share your experience with other professionals that are passionate about data!
Your interest and participation is greatly appreciated. If you are not a current member of DAMA, please read the following section to learn about others with the same interests that you have. But if you know us, please proceed on to the Update.
About DAMA
DAMA International is a not-for-profit, vendor independent association of technical and business professionals dedicated to advancing the concepts and practices for data resource management and enterprise information. The primary purpose of DAMA International is to promote the understanding, development and practice of managing data and information to support business strategies. DAMA International has chapters and members throughout the world.
- DAMA membership provides you with a network of data management professionals who share ideas and solutions to some of the most difficult issues in data management.
- DAMA Local Chapters provide cost-effective and local on-going training hours that can apply to re-certification requirements by the Institute for Computing Professionals for Certified Data Management Professional (CDMP) and Certified Business Intelligence Professional (CBIP) designations.
- Chapter members receive vendor and training discounts provided to DAMA International by selected vendors and publishers.
- Chapters may bulk purchase DAMA International products such as the DAMA Dictionary and the DAMA Data Management Body of Knowledge at discounted rates.
If you are interested in data management, we want to meet you and help you grow in your chosen profession! To find a local DAMA chapter, go to the main website at www.dama.org and select Chapter.
Message from the President: 2019 Reflections and 2020 Resolutions
2019 Reflection: A year of Growth and Refocus for DAMA International:
- DAMA International is a vibrant community. We currently have 52 active chapters as well as 50+ forming chapters worldwide. We have both Monthly President Council meetings and Forming Chapter forums to support the growth of the community.
- The current affiliation agreement template has been revised, and is under review by the President’s Council.
- The DAMA Data Management Body of Knowledge (DAMA DMBOK2) is being translated into Russian.
- More than 5000 copies of the current body of knowledge were purchased by professionals, with another 50 organization level copies sold.
- The expanded DAMA Dictionary of Terms is providing consistent vocabulary and taxonomy for more than 2000 data management terms.
- We completed the RFP process to select a new certification exam partner.
- The CDMP DM Fundamentals, Data Governance, Data Quality, Data Modeling and Metadata revised to align with DAMA DMBOK2. In addition there is a practice exam available once you sign up for taking the certification. We are in the progress of updating additional specialty exams based on DMBOK 2, for more information please refer to https://cdmp.info/.
- We have increased the engagement of existing chapters, established more functional operations, and created a core set of new volunteers helping chapters regionally to achieve their goals.
- We have continued to strive for transparency by posting board minutes and our 1099’s on the DAMA.org website.
This happened because of volunteers and our desire to reach out and include our members. The previous boards, this board, and a wide group of data management professionals have contributed time and effort working on these activities. I’m proud to be leading this community at this time with all of you colleagues.
2020 Resolution
This year I want us to slightly shift focus continuing to operationally execute on previous initiatives, but expanding our vision to include:
- Improving our external presence, accessibility, and impact (through both our website, DMBOK, and marketing initiatives)
- Delivering products and services that meet the goals
of our organization:
- DAMA International’s primary purpose is to promote the understanding, development, and practice of managing data and information as key enterprise assets to support the organization.
- Completing the By-Law Revisions and a strategic plan with full transparency and collaboration from local active chapters.
Each of the board members will be working on their individual area plans which will be summarized and presented in the President’s Council meeting at Enterprise Data World this March in San Diego. Join us for the fun!
Enterprise Data World
DAMA International offers its members a 15% discount to Enterprise Data World. Join us at the most comprehensive educational data management conference in the world! DAMA holds the DAMA International Council Meeting, CDMP Exam Preparation, CDMP Examination Sessions AND presents the Data Management Excellence Awards. Remember to use your discount and ask for the DAMA Member Ribbon to make it easier for conference attendees to identify DAMA colleagues.
DAMA-I Data Management Excellence Awards
Each year the DAMA-I Award Committee presents one or more DAMA International Awards for Excellence to deserving individuals, companies, and/or non-profit organizations. The Awards are presented at the EDW (Enterprise Data World) conference on March 23.2020, the conference will be held in San Diego, CA from March 22-27.
Nominations are being accepted until Feb. 20, 2020 by filling out a form located on the home page of dama.org. The nominee should be a leader in one or more of the data management disciplines referenced in the DAMA-DMBOK or be a member of academia who has done outstanding research or made contributions in the areas encompassed by data or information management.
A list of previous winners is available on the dama.org website along with more information about nominating an individual, a non-profit organization or a company. Please think about a person you know who is contributing to data management and submit their name and accomplishments. The Award Winners will have their expenses paid to EDW to accept their award in person.
The Award committee would appreciate your sending this to your DAMA chapter members so that a broad spectrum of people and companies are nominated.
Annual DAMA International Board Elections Results
Current and past Local DAMA Chapter Board members are eligible to run for the DAMA International Board if nominated by their chapter. DAMA International Board of Directors has ratified the results of the 2019 election cycle by a unanimous vote in a meeting Saturday Morning, December 14, 2019.
We would like to thank all of the candidates for their willingness to support the data management community with their service for 2020-2021. The results are as follows:
- VP of Operations: Lindy Kresl
- VP of Conference Services: Cathy Nolan
- VP of Research and Education Services: Chris Bradley
- VP of Marketing: open
- VP of Chapter Services: Peter Vieveen
At the same time we acknowledged the results of the President’s Council Election, where we now have another new board member:
- President’s Council Chairperson: Tony Mazzarella
Details for the election process and descriptions of the board positions are available in the By-Laws, Codes and Policies. This column was written by Loretta Smith, President of DAMA-I.