DAMA International Community Corner: Updates from DAMA-I

COL03x - feature image dama already 300x300Good day from DAMA International. We hope your Data Management career and programs are progressing well. If you have issues, please refer to DAMA.org for references, as well as the DAMA Data Management Body of Knowledge (DMBok). You can purchase the DMBoK at your favorite book source or via website link.

Your DAMA-I Board of Directors have been very busy over these last few months. While DAMA International and your local chapter officers are volunteer roles, significant progress has been made to make DAMA International more efficient and responsive to benefit our membership. DAMA International has continued to improve the CDMP program.

Following the success of EDW19 & the other CDMP trials, we are pleased to announce that the new DMBoK2 CDMP is now live and publicly available.

Refer to https://cdmp.info/ where you will be able to:

  • Take an exam online via online proctoring or register to take an exam at a chapter or conference event (click “Book an Exam”)
  • Submit allowable substitutions details
  • Submit experience details for Master level designation
  • … and much more

Details on upcoming events where CDMP examinations can be taken will appear as they are confirmed. Generally we will be attempting to conduct CDMP exams at the conferences of our partners. Please review https://dama.org for future conferences from our partners. Most also provide admission discounts to DAMA members and more information can be found on our website.

The DAMA-I Board of Directors has allocated funds and resources to improve our operational response for our members. A new customer service personnel has been hired so responses to your questions and central membership signup will be faster than in previous periods. Our service level agreements are generally noted on https://dama.org. We thank you for your patience.

Continuing Education and Conferences with our Partners

DAMA-I is dedicated to providing Data management education to our members. We work with great partners to provide reduced costs to our members for educational opportunities. Please refer to our website for those opportunities in the near future. We encourage all members and chapters to promote and attend programs created by our partners. Please note that DAMA members receive discounts from our partners as well. We especially encourage DAMA members to attend the Enterprise Data World (EDW) conference that is also sponsored by DAMA-International. The EDW conference is a significant source of funding for DAMA-International, thus allowing for us to continue to improve our involvement in the Data Management industry. We thank you for all your support. The next EDW conference is scheduled for March 22, 2020 at the Sheraton Hotel & Marina in San Diego, CA. Refer to dataversity.net for details on the EDW conference.

DAMA-International is excited to inform everyone that we are seeing significant interest in the data management industry across the world. DAMA-international is growing in the number of affiliated chapters and memberships.  We recently welcomed new chapters in Spain, Russia, and China. Exciting times await us in the Data Management industry.

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DAMA International

DAMA International

DAMA, the Data Management Association International is a not-for-profit, vendor independent association of technical and business professionals dedicated to advancing the concepts and practices for data resource management and enterprise information. The primary purpose of DAMA International is to promote the understanding, development, and practice of managing data and information to support business strategies. DAMA International has chapters and members throughout the world.  Visit and become a member of DAMA by clicking here.