Advanced Themes
In the first part of this article (published in TDAN 5.0), I offered information about basic meta data themes that could be used as an easy-to-understand starting point for meta data management. I
wrote about several types of the projects that are common in large corporations. By looking at similarities in the projects, we found that there are several basic themes that persist across
projects. Those basic themes included the need for data administration, database administration, and data movement meta data. The article broke down each of these themes into a limited number of
components (meta data entities) that provided a basic starting point for identifying the “right” meta data to manage.
The concept of advanced meta data themes discussed in this article takes the concept of basics themes to the next level. Advanced themes expand beyond the entities discussed earlier to include
components of meta data that relate to data access, data quality, and data accountability.
The following sections break down the three basic meta data themes into their quality, access, and accountability components and offer considerations for the types of meta data to manage beyond the
Data Administration Meta Data
- Data Quality Components
how it can be understood and used.
the actions that are taken if the data is missing or outside of the domain.
several systems. Information about the use of aliases including logical and physical aliases, potential aliases, and straight move type aliases.
- Data Access Components
are accurate to the degree that databases and models are kept in synch. This information helps the end-user approach the physical data through its logical description.
data names. Glossary components, their meaning, and their usage.
- Accountability Components
responsible for business policy and communications.
Questions that advanced data administration meta data can answer:
- How have business changes impacted the data? What affect does this have on data interpretation?
- What confidence can I have in query results ” reports knowing that there are data quality issues?
- How can I get answers if all I know are the questions?
- Where in the company is do we capture this type of data and how does it differ across applications?
- Who do I contact if I have a question about data administration issues?
Database Administration Meta Data
- Data Quality Components
that would call for forward and reverse engineering actions.
- Data Access Components
- Accountability Components
Questions that advanced DBA meta data can answer:
- What data is being used? By whom? When is it available or “busy”?
- How will I know if I am receiving all of the information that I requested?
- Are the business descriptions in synch with the databases?
- When was the last time this data was updated and did that process end successful?
- Who do I contact if I have a database problem or question?
Data Movement Meta Data
- Data Quality Components
level for the data.
- Data Access Components
and / or programs developed to select, extract, transform and move data.
Questions that advanced data movement meta data can answer:
- What massaging was done to the data as it was moved? Has it always been done that way?
- What did this data look like before it got to me and at what point in the pipeline did it change?
- Where did this data originate and who was responsible for the data creation / integration?
- Will movement activities affect my ability to report on it timely and accurately, on my schedule?
- Who do I contact if I have a problem or question about how data was moved, transformed?
In these two articles, I have discussed the concept of meta data themes from the basics to the advanced. By breaking data administration, database administration, and data movement meta data into
quality, access, and accountability components, I have given novice and beginning meta data managers a starting point for identifying the meta data that can be made available in the typical large
Often companies have a difficult time justifying the management of the basic meta data. There are not many companies that have the ability to manage all of the meta data described in this article.
If prospective meta data managers use the information and questions provided in these articles as a starting point for meta data needs assessment and requirements definitions, they will find that
most of the meta data that they define as “necessary to manage” will fit into a data administration, database administration, or data movement category (or theme). It is also quite likely that
the meta data will be tightly related to the improvement of data quality, data access, or accountability for data resource.