Object-Orientation and Business-Driven Information Engineering
This paper describes the benefits and techniques for using an enterprise information architecture to develop and manage reusable software components.
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This paper describes the benefits and techniques for using an enterprise information architecture to develop and manage reusable software components.
Businesses constantly pursue the cost-effective application of information technology to achieve sustainable competitive advantage in an ever-changing competitive environment.
In the second of two parts, this article addresses database tools that focus on the analysis, reporting, and utilities of…
There are five major RDBMS products: Oracle, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase SQL Server, and Informix.
Imagine what it would be like if there was an inexpensive one-size-fits-all solution to the management of meta data.
Purpose Models are created not only to represent the business needs of an application but can also depict the business…
Throughout the history of Information Resource Management, there have been questions surrounding the necessity for multiple disciplines within the IRM…
Data Steward - Person responsible for managing the data in a corporation in terms of integrated, consistent definitions, structures, calculations,…
The requirements analysis process, as described in most methodologies’ system development life cycles, typically addresses both rows 2 (the owner’s…
Rebecca J. Duffy for The Data Administration Newsletter At some point in your grade school education you learned about various…