The Role of Data Stewards in Steering Data Strategy

In my tenure as a project manager in the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing, one element has persistently resonated as a cornerstone of success: data. However, it’s not merely the presence of data that matters, but its sanctity and reliability. Herein emerges the unsung heroes of our data-driven narratives: data stewards.

The strategic presence of data stewards, often overshadowed by more visible roles, is the secret sauce that ensures every data-centric initiative we launch is grounded in accuracy and integrity. Before delving into the strategic frameworks, best practices, and the transformative insights these stewards bring, let’s first understand who they are and why, in my experience, they’ve proven to be the linchpins of successful data strategies.

What Are Data Stewards?

Imagine your data as a massive library. Data stewards are like the librarians ensuring that every book (data point) is in its rightful place, well-maintained, and easily accessible.

  • Role and Responsibilities: Data stewards wear many hats. They’re responsible for the care and feeding of data. This means they ensure that the data we use is accurate, up to date, and reliable. They work closely with different departments to set rules (data governance policies) on how data should be used and shared. It’s also their job to make sure these rules are followed, keeping data consistent across the board.
  • Significance: Think about the sheer volume of data a company gathers: About 79 zettabytes of data were created in 2021, while the total amount of data is expected to reach 175 zettabytes by 2025. Without data stewards, managing this mountain of information would be chaotic. They act as the bridge between tech gurus and business folks, making sure both sides understand what’s happening with the data.

In simpler terms, if our data was a vast orchestra, data stewards would be the conductors. They ensure each instrument (data source) plays the right note at the right time, producing harmonious music (useful insights) for the business.

In this ever-growing digital age, the need for these data maestros is increasing. Their importance in shaping successful business strategies, ensuring compliance, and driving growth cannot be overstated.

The Crucial Role of Data Stewards

Data stewards play a key role in any data-driven organization. To understand why they’re so important, let’s look at what they bring to the table.

Ensuring Data Quality

Picture this: You’re about to launch a grand marketing campaign. You’ve invested resources, time, and creativity. But what if the data guiding your decisions was flawed? Even a minor inaccuracy can derail the entire strategy. Data stewards act as our safety net, rigorously checking, validating, and cleaning data. Their meticulous efforts guarantee that the foundation of our campaigns is rock-solid, which in turn optimizes returns on investment.

Regulatory Compliance

In today’s interconnected world, data isn’t just about numbers and trends; it’s about people and their privacy. With regulations like GDPR in Europe and CCPA in California, there’s an increasing emphasis on how organizations collect and use personal data. Non-compliance doesn’t just lead to hefty fines, but can severely tarnish a brand’s reputation. Data stewards are our safeguards when it comes to data security and compliance. They keep abreast of the ever-evolving legal landscape, ensuring our practices not only respect individual privacy, but also remain within legal boundaries.

Facilitating Collaboration

A typical organization witnesses a continuous flow of data across departments. Whether it’s the sales team updating figures or content creators noting audience preferences, data is constantly in motion. But different teams may interpret and record data differently. Here’s where our stewards shine. By establishing and enforcing data standards, they ensure that everyone speaks the same “data language.” This seamless communication often translates into quicker decision-making and a unified organizational direction.

Driving Business Growth

At the heart of every strategic business decision lies data. Be it expanding into a new market or launching a product, data-backed decisions often have higher success rates. According to a study by McKinsey, companies that leverage data-driven strategies are 23 times more likely to outperform competitors in customer acquisition. Data stewards, by ensuring the quality and accessibility of this data, indirectly play a pivotal role in propelling business growth.

The role of data stewards extends far beyond mere management. They are the silent strategists who are there to make sure the data is right, that everyone uses it correctly, that we follow the rules, and that it helps our business grow.

What It Takes to Become a Data Steward

The role of a data steward sits at the crossroads of technology and business, ensuring data’s accuracy and utility for decision-making. If you’re considering this career path, here’s a more detailed look at what you might need and what to expect.

Educational Requirements

At its core, data stewardship requires a solid understanding of both business and IT. A bachelor’s degree in IT, business administration, data science, or a related field often forms the foundation. However, as the field grows, we’re seeing more individuals with specialized degrees in data analytics or management joining the ranks.

Hard Skills

Technical know-how: In the world of data, familiarity with various tools and platforms is a given. Data stewards should be adept at using data modeling tools and understanding different database structures. Maybe even having a foundational grasp of cloud platforms where data might be stored. This skill ensures that data is stored, retrieved, and managed effectively.

Data analytics: Beyond storing data, the real value lies in interpreting it. Data stewards should possess the ability to analyze datasets, discern patterns, and derive meaningful insights. This involves using analytics tools (e.g., feature request software, enterprise data governance software, CRMs, and such), creating visualizations, and sometimes even predictive modeling to anticipate future trends.

SQL and programming: SQL, or Structured Query Language, is a cornerstone for many data-related tasks. A data steward’s proficiency in SQL allows them to query databases, modify data structures, and ensure data integrity. Some familiarity with programming, especially with languages like Python or R which are prevalent in data analysis, can be a major asset.

Math skills: A strong grasp of math is essential for data stewards, especially when dealing with statistical analysis and trends. Thankfully, such hard skills can always be improved much quicker than soft skills, and there are different courses you can take to build your skills.

Soft Skills

Communication: Data stewards frequently interact with various departments, each with its own set of jargon and understanding of data. Clear and concise communication is paramount. Whether it’s explaining a complex data anomaly to a marketing team or relaying the importance of a data protocol to IT professionals, a data steward must articulate concepts in a manner that resonates with the audience.

Attention to detail: Data management often involves sifting through vast datasets. Even a minor oversight can lead to significant discrepancies, potentially affecting major business decisions. An acute attention to detail ensures that data stewards can identify and rectify these discrepancies, maintaining the integrity of the data.

Problem-solving: Data rarely comes without its set of challenges, be it inconsistencies, gaps, or integration issues. A proactive problem-solving approach allows data stewards to anticipate potential pitfalls and devise solutions. This not only ensures smoother data flow, but also fosters a proactive data management culture.

Adaptability: The digital landscape is ever-evolving, with new technologies, tools, and practices emerging regularly. Data stewards must be adaptable, willing to learn, and open to change. This agility ensures that they can quickly integrate new tools or adapt to changing data landscapes, keeping the organization at the forefront of data management.

Teamwork and collaboration: Data stewardship isn’t a solitary role. It requires collaboration with IT teams, business units, and sometimes external partners. The ability to work cohesively in a team, understanding and respecting diverse perspectives, is crucial. Effective teamwork ensures that data strategies are holistic and well-rounded.


Over my years in the digital landscape, I’ve come to realize that while we often celebrate the end results — successful marketing campaigns, ground-breaking product launches, or impressive revenue growth — it’s the unsung heroes behind the scenes that make it all possible. As someone who’s been knee-deep in data-driven projects, I can’t emphasize enough the role of data stewards. It’s like having a seasoned captain navigating a ship through treacherous waters.

I’ve seen projects thrive because of the meticulous care and insights brought in by our data stewards. And, on the flip side, I’ve witnessed the ripple effects of overlooking this pivotal role. It’s not just about crunching numbers or filling spreadsheets; it’s about making sense of a digital language that shapes our decisions. Every time I look at a data report or use insights to strategize, I silently tip my hat to these data guardians, the real MVPs of our data-driven world.

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Carl Fisher

Carl Fisher

CRO and PPC specialist by day and content writer by night, Carl Fisher is a man dedicated to bringing knowledge, information, and advice in front of those who need it. His "specialty areas" include digital marketing, web development, technology, as well as magical realism and sci-fi literature. With more than 6 years in the digital marketing industry, he currently works at SASVIM - a growth company that primarily works with product development teams and tech startups that struggle with growing and monetizing their user base.

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