Dr. John Talburt

Dr. John Talburt is Professor of Information Science and Acxiom Chair of Information Quality at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UALR) where he serves as the Coordinator for the Information Quality Graduate Program.  He also holds appointments as Executive Director of the UALR Laboratory for Advanced Research in Entity Resolution and Information Quality, Associate Director of the Acxiom Laboratory for Applied Research, and Co-Director of the MIT Information Quality Program’s Working Group on Customer-Centric Information Quality Management.  His current research is at the intersection of information quality and information integration, particularly the areas of entity resolution and entity identification.  Prior to his appointment at UALR he was a leader for research and development and product innovation at Acxiom Corporation.  Professor Talburt is an inventor for several patents related to customer data integration, the author for numerous articles on information quality and entity resolution, and the winner of the 2008 DAMA International Academic Award.  He can be reached at (501) 371-7616 or by email at jrtalburt@ualr.edu.